Specialist Schedule

East Fairhaven Elementary School Specialists' Rotating Schedule 2022-2023

Kindergarten - Fourth Grade:

Classes will be divided into four groups. Your child is in the highlighted
group below:
 Groups A B C D
 Group 1 Art  Innovation  Music  Phys. Ed
 Group 2 Phys. Ed  Art  Innovation  Music
 Group 3 Music Phys. Ed.  Art  Innovation
 Group 4 Innovation Music  Phys. Ed  Art

Grade 5

This is the schedule for fifth grade. Classes will be divided into four groups. Your child is in the
highlighted group below:

 Groups A B C D
 Group 1 Art  Innovation Chorus/Strings  Phys. Ed
 Group 2 Phys. Ed  Art  Innovation  Chorus/Strings
 Group 3 Band Phys. Ed.  Art  Innovation
 Group 4 Innovation Band  Phys. Ed  Art

In the event that school is canceled due to weather, that day will be skipped.

Rotating Specialist Schedule

EFS Rotating Specialist Schedule
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